Start point
List of illnesses Basic Principles of CRnT
CRnT compact
Causal Regulative Neural Technique as a short overview
Background and experience leading to the concept of CRnT
A. Essential results and discoveries over a long period of time before

Old findings and experience and their analogy to modern physiology results

CRnT treats according to a newly developed therapy concept, of which the fundamental principles are to be found: in the beginnings of different neural injection therapies (neural = nerve), reaching back already many decades, thousands of years old knowledge of acupuncture, up-to-date findings of nerve physiology of orthodox medicine, modern know-how of cybernetic control systems – and the own medical experience and findings in the very many years of applying those basic principles in the treatments of CRnT.

The analogy of old empirical science like acupuncture to the results of modern research of western medical science, does not surprise, because all is depending on natural energy relationships. The empirical science helps to give experience of correlations and ideas for interrelated thinking. The advantage of using it for western modern research result is, that in the end the application in modern scientific therapy form is better to be calculated.

The basic discovery,
that disturbed nerves of a body area can
send pathogenic effects on long-distance parts in the body

The first discovery , that a scar can have bad effect on a totally different part of the body and by this cause a new illness, goes back already to the year 1928. It was assumed, that such a pathogenic effect could only be transported by the autonomic nervous system as a link from one part of the body to the other. In experiments, such a scar, being suspected as the cause of a newly developed painful illness, was treated by several superficial injections with the anaethetic “Procain”. This resulted in sudden removal of the pain and disappearing of the illness.

So a scar at the lower arm could produce a chronic and painful illness of the shoulder or in a totally different and far away part of the body, e.g. a chronic inflammation of the knee-joint.
The other way round, in the case of a chronic illness, like e.g. in the lumbar area of the back, they looked for a scar, from which a pathogenic impulse on the fallen ill area might come from. By injecting Procain in the „suspected“ scars - in the sequence of their likelihood to be “guilty” - they succeeded in promptly putting an end to the illness.

Procain - a medicine known as a local anaethetic was
discovered in its quality as a healing agent

As the Procain was known as a local anaethetic, e.g. as for anaethesia for suturing a scar, everyone that heard of the healing effect of Procain thought, this could only deal with a “mere anaethetic effect”. But that Procain has a normalizing, healing effect on fallen ill energy-disturbed nerve cells, the doctors of official medicine stayed unaware of. This message did not even reach universities - and it is still so today.

Procain, - or its sister substance Lidocain - have the same biochemical effect on the nerve cell membrane: they influence the protein structure of the cell membrane: anaethetic effect on healthy cells, and a healing effect on ill energy-disturbed cells. This leads to the normalization of their cellular energy and their recuperation.

Doctors even today do not know anything about that most important additional healing effect of such a normal local anaethetic on disturbed nerve cells. They would not believe, that by the use of this, the healing of autonomic nerve cells is possible, and thereby the healing of illnesses.

Often, if they happen to come across one of the “neural injection therapies”, it is then mostly only one of former simple application forms. Those work with superficial injections in the skin causing “Procain hives”, for the local suppression of pain over a painful muscle area in the sense of a mere anaethetic effect.

Without including the treatment of the long distance disturbances within the nerve system, this in fact is only a mere momentary local suppression of pain and has nothing to do with causative treatment, like it is in CRnT-
Causal Regulative Neural Technique.

B. The development of the CRnT- Concept

The basis discovery
and the scientific biochemical proof
of the healing principle used in CRnT

The basis discovery, that disturbed areas of the autonomic nervous system can cause pathogenic effects on distant parts in the body and can permanently make them ill, goes back already to the year 1928.
Procain - a medicine known at that time only as a local anaethetic - was discovered in its quality as a healing agent of disturbed nerve cells.

The scientific physiological-biochemical proof for the principle of this healing effect being used in CRnT, though was only given a long time after that, in the year 1980 at the university of Vienna by Professor Pischinger and his research team, meanwhile nevertheless being a long time ago.

The lack of causative treatment in orthodox medicine
leading to the idea of CRnT

CRnT was developed by the German doctor Dr. med. D. Weihermann, who has applied it successfully now for 20 years.

Experience in modern medicine, that there was progress in exact diagnostics, but on the other hand, - only poor results in symptomatic medication treatment, had made him realize the lack of a causative treatment - especially for chronic illnesses.
Because of this unsatisfactory situation, he started to search for new ways of treating illnesses – to treat them causatively and achieve final healing.

After becoming acquainted with former original forms of different neural injection therapies to structures of the autonomic nervous system, and especially the connected physiological-biological background, he was convinced, that the main cause of chronic and other problem illnesses must be found in disturbed areas of the autonomic nervous system.

Former illnesses, injuries and operations in a patient´s case history were made out as the origin of such disturbed areas, which then could become the cause of new illness.

Only the most precise analysis for finding out the debilitating and therefore responsible disturbances in the autonomic nervous system and their precise elimination could lead to a real causative successful therapy for the final elimination of chronic diseases.

But for precise analysis, which of the former illnesses had left behind disturbed nerve areas, it was not enough, to only estimate it from the patient´s case history. There was missing a measuring method for objectively detecting them.

The integration of modern diagnostic techniques in CRnT

For precise analysis of the responsible latent energy-disturbed areas in the autonomic nervous system Dr. Weihermann observed measurement techniques by different modern technical equipments, and found the measurement technology of the skin´s warmth radiation (thermography) the most suitable, - measuring the organ reflex areas in two measurement circuits. By this in all skin reflex areas the reactions to provoked irritation could be measured and one was able, to receive a precise and sure statement about disturbed autonomic areas and their localization, and so could selectively treat and eliminate them as the causes of the chronic disease.

In the many years of his own practice he concentrated on the development of CRnT and created a treatment concept for the successful application of his method. Regardless of the biochemical scientific proof long time ago, the extraordinary healing results by application of CRnT show, that by the consequent elimination of the causes in the autonomic nerve tissues - CRnT is the most effective causative therapy in chronic and other problem illnesses.

2. Conditions and relationships in the autonomic nervous system, decisive for successful CRnT
A. Significance of the autonomic nervous system for health and illness
The nervous system and its subdivisions “motor” and “autonomic” nervous systems

The result of western scientific medical research is, that the nervous system consists of two subdivisions with different functions:

1. the motor nervous system, that moves the so-called „cross-striped” - skeleton musculature“, by which the body is moved - movements of the arms, legs, head and trunk – consciously governed by the will, intended from the cerebrum (cerebral cortex).

2. the autonomic nervous system, also called the “un-voluntary” part of the nervous system, independent of orders from the cerebral cortex. It consists of parts of the central nervous system - cerebellum, brain stem, hypophysis, spinal cord and the peripheral nerves as the connection to all body organs and body areas. The software, as the program for all specific governing processes in every angle of the body, has its place in the central nervous system. It is the task of the autonomic peripheral nerves, to transmit the governing orders to all areas and all organs in the entire body. By finest nerve fibres of control circuits the autonomic system also governs the so-called „smooth musculature“, that exclusively exists in the inner organs.

The autonomic nervous system,
and its subdivisions
“sympathetic” and “parasympathetic” systems

As shown above, the autonomic nervous system rules “autonomically” all functions in the body, and itself again consists of two subdivisions:

1. the sympathetic system, that activates all body functions for “fight and flight”- in the original point of view of development of man.

2. the parasympathetic system, that activates all body functions for ingestion, digestion, relaxation and regeneration,

As man during the long period of time of development has only survived in the many “fight or flight” situations with a well-functioning sympathetic nervous system, this subdivision of the autonomic nervous system is the more differentiated one.

The change of sympathetic and parasympathetic phases balance the autonomic nervous system. There is a time of activity and a time of rest. If the relationship between these two systems is too often or permanently disturbed, this results in varied health disturbances or illness.

Specific functions and regulation processes of the autonomic nervous system

The peripheral nerves of the autonomic nervous system, closely connected with the spinal cord, govern “autonomically” - i.e. independent of orders from the cerebral cortex - all functions of all organs in the entire body. By finest nerve fibres of control circuits they also govern the so-called „smooth musculature“, that exclusively exists in the inner organs:

There is smooth musculature (= seen microscopically) in the respiratory tracts, the digestive tract, in the arterioles (arterial distribution vessels)) and so their functions are governed by the reflex ways of the autonomic nervous system. This also controls the rhythm of the heart, the breathing rhythm, the adaptation of the pupil demanded by light or distance, the blood pressure, the blood circulation of all organs, the secretion of the hormonal glands, the function of the immune system, the reception of oxygen in the lungs and the set up of proteins. The muscular rest tension (basic tension in bodily passivity) is also ruled by the autonomic nervous system.

In this realm of autonomic regulation processes the pathogenic influences of disturbed energy-areas have effect, thus giving rise to most different disturbances of health and chronic disease.

B. Significance of interferences in the autonomic nervous system

The causes of illness: “LD-areas” :
Localized disturbed areas of the autonomic nervous system

The autonomic nervous system is the absolute super-ordinate control system with all the biological governing processes in the body.

So if there are interferences in this highly-complicated network - reaching from head to foot - it is not amazing, that this for sure must accordingly have dramatic pathogenic effects - and so “Localized Disturbed areas” in the autonomic nervous system, the so-called “LD-areas” are in fact the real causes of nearly all problem and chronic illnesses and all kinds of health disorders.

Former illnesses, injuries and operations in a patient´s case history were made out as the origin of such disturbed areas, which then become the cause of new illness.
Only the most precise analysis for finding out the debilitating and therefore responsible disturbances in the autonomic nervous system and their precise elimination can lead to a real causative successful therapy for the final elimination of chronic diseases. This is what CRnT does.

These “Localized Disturbed areas” have a decline of cell energy of the autonomic nerve cells of their complete area. This means a function disorder of this locally - “localized” - nerve area. As a rule, this LD-area does not at first or ever make trouble locally, but can anywhere in the „network“ autonomic nervous system, which communicates from head to foot, cause a concrete long-term chronic pathogenic effect - and thus cause poor health or chronic illness.

A principle of CRnT is, to selectively detect those so-called “Localized Disturbed areas” - the LD-areas - and then eliminate them. By this the governing capacity of the autonomic nervous system - in its specifically concerned, disturbed control circuits - is rebuilt again.

The illnesses are in fact treated „causatively“. It is not the software that is disturbed, having its place in the central nervous system - parts of the brain and spinal cord - but the transmission of governing orders by the peripheral autonomic nerves to the organs and all the parts of the body within a network of many millions of nerve fibres.

In the examination procedure the doctor measures the temperature of 60 reflex areas of the skin at the head and trunk using a high sensible electronic sensor. There are two circuits of measurement, and the registered temperatures are analysed by a computer and printed out on a diagram.

3. The way CRnT functions
The whole treatment consists of an examination on the first day and altogether 10 treatment sessions.

A. The examination

The „thermography“ is the basis for the treatment with CRnT

The measurement
The examination takes place in the morning, the patient comes in a way just like “got out of bed“: no shower, no brushing the teeth, no shaving, no coffee, no skin creams, no cosmetics. So all, what usually makes people „shaken awake“ in the morning, or irritates and changes the skin, is forbidden. Allowed is a glass of normal-temperature water or milk and a piece of bread or a toast.

The first measurement

So the electronic sensor in the first measurement circuit touches non-irritated skin points. Those are situated in the middle of skin reflex areas of the different organs. These skin reflex areas are closely linked by fine autonomic fibres with those finest nerve fibres in the inner of the body at and in the different organs. Taking it practically, they are the external “mirror-like picture” of the “inner electric tension” of the governing nerves at the organs. There are measure points at the head for the eyes, ears, nasal cavaties, dental-, lower jaw-, occiput-,- and neck- areas, further at the front part of the neck the tonsils- and lymphatic region, at the trunk the reflex areas of the bronchia, lungs, heart, stomach, duodenum, kidneys, liver, bile, intestines, the other stomach- and pelvic- organs and beyond of those their distingt smaller “minor sections”. The first measurement of those 60 measure points takes 5 minutes.

After this it follows the first real big irritation of the day: the patient puts his hands in very cold water, and with additionally denuded upper part of the body he cools down.

The second measurement

After ten minutes of cooling down the second measurement circuit takes place. The doctor knows of every measure point, how it should have reacted to the irritation of cooling down. The second measurement now shows up the reactions of the measured skin reflex areas. This results in the complete thermogram with the first circle of measurement and the related temperatures of the second measurement, that can be compared.

Evaluation of the thermogram

So the doctor, analysing the results of the thermogram can recognize, in which organ areas the autonomic nerves are “electrically healthy”, but also, where they are “electrically disturbed”. In this way the doctor finds the disturbances, that are the causes for the chronic illness of the patient.

The treatment concept and the concept talk

The list of his former illnesses, injuries or operations , that the patient has written down before the examination, gives further information to the doctor, where the causes of his illness are.
In the concept talk the doctor has with the patient, after analysis of the thermogram and the patient´s list of former illnesses, further questions can be clarified and the doctor explains to the patient, what he has to do, to carry out a successful treatment with CRnT.

B. The treatment

The results of the thermogram and the patient´s list of former illnesses deliver to the doctor the clear CRnT treatment concept, that is written down and fixed in the card-filing. Mostly, in the case of a patient with a “problem-“ or a “long-term-” disease, there are several energy-disturbed areas in depth to be treated and by this freed from interference, like for example the pelvic area or the solar plexus area in the upper stomach. In addition to those there several superficial areas like e. g. the nerves in scars of the skin and skin reflex areas, referred to an inner organ, that also have to be included in every treatment session.

Most precise injection techniques
with finest needles

CRnT uses injections, applying for this different lengths of needles, according to, how deep a disturbed area lies and is treated. All needles have in common, that they are very thin, mostly thinner than a needle known from acupuncture. The „medicine”- better called: “agent” - with its healing property is the same with all injections: Lidocain. This must be injected most precisely to the energy-disturbed areas. These areas of the autonomic nervous system with their lack of energy by this are „repolarised“ that means recharged, to be compared with recharging a car´s battery or the battery of a handy.
By this they loose their disturbing effects on the governing processes of the autonomic nerves in totally different parts of the body, so that from head to foot all functions again. By this the causes of illness, the illness itself - and even further long-term complaints are healed forever, like for example beside the successful treated migraine also the permanent pain of the back has disappeared and even other permanent complaints, of which the patient had thought, that he never could be released of them anyway.

The needles used for the deeper placed disturbances are accordingly longer but nevertheless very fine. They have nevertheless the property, although they are that thin, that they are hollow inside. Therefore it is possible, to inject through them the “agent”, that rebuilds the lack of energy in these disturbed areas of the autonomic nervous system - being the healing of the causes of illness.

For the superficial disturbed areas very small, fine and short needles are used. The needles nearly do not hurt, does not matter how deep one has to go, and are like a very slight electric flash or - as if one gets pinched. By applying the right technique that only can be carried out by a perfectly trained and in this subject long-term experienced doctor, the injections are not dangerous and free from any risk.

Various injections techniques
and the standard agent Lidocain

Hearing the word injection, most of the people think of painful applications they experienced in the past. Most of them only know the injection into the posterior, which really can hurt, because the injected medicine mostly is “wrapped” in an oily, thick-liquid fluid, that forces itself “like a wedge” in the muscle with its high sensitive nerve fibres.
The Lidocain however, used in the application of CRnT, is a water-like, thin-liquid fluid, that alone through its accompanying character as an common used local anaesthetic directly takes away a pain and also does this when being injected at the nerve areas.
The first and important quality in using Lidocain as the standard substance in the application with CRnT is its healing property at the disturbed, energy-reduced cells. There the disturbed energy now is being rebuilt, that means that the disturbed areas in this sense get repaired and - according to the schedule of the autonomic nervous system they become capable again in their functions.
By the repeated treatments of the detected disturbed areas they get electrically stabilized again and normalized. Lidocain does its „reparation work“ and „goes after having done work“ - like the electrician „out of the house“ again. That means, it is removed out of the body through the liver - without any side effects.
So: The agent leaves, but its healing effect remains, and by the often repeated treatment sessions within shortest time this leads to the definitive healing of these causes and thereby the same to the definitive healing of the illness.

The difference of Lidocaine as an „agent“ to a „medicine “

The difference of Lidocain as an „agent“ to a „medicine“ is as follows: A prescribed medicine only works through permanent taking tablets or a permanent renewed application of injections or infusions. That means, that it must permanently be present, in order either to permanently block hyper-functions in the illness being treated, or to accelerate its hypo-functions.

As the medication is transported into the blood either via the intestines or directly via the vein (intraveiniously) or on the indirect way via the injection into the posterior (intramuscleary), of course it does not have effect only at the location of the illness, but spreads its effect anywhere else, where the blood flows and thereby very often causes uncomfortable side effects.
Often a suitable medication can help very fast. But if an illness starts to be chronic and no medication or other therapy can make it better, of the therapies are blocked by one or several hidden LD-areas in the autonomic nerve system.

The two different forms of application of Lidocain

With CRnT Lidocain works as an „agent“: after its „repairing“ effect at the disturbed cells it is not present any longer. The originally known, traditional application “as a medicine” for superficial anaesthesia of healthy cells in areas, where e. g. an injury of the skin shall be sutured, naturally is a one time occurring short time medicinal application, in which Lidocain is used in a bigger quantity and higher concentration.

But this short-time application as an anaesthetic has not anything to do with the application of Lidocain in CRnT, where it is used as an „agent“ for the healing of
“ fallen ill” nerve cells and by this for the reconstruction of the own bodily health.

Very often these words come to the ears of the doctor: „I have already been treated with Lidocain (or “Procain” = similar substance), but that did not help me either“. This shows, that the patient has not understood at all, that it is decisive for the healing, precisely where, at which correctly detected debilitated areas the Lidocain is placed, and not, which was “the medicine being applied”. And in addition to that, this has to be carried out with the uttermost precision of injection technique.

Not the big quantity of the injection is decisive, but that the sufficient quantity gets injected most precisely to the precisely detected decisive places. This alone demonstrates, how much special knowledge and capacity, manual capability and precision is demanded from the applying doctor, beside most precise anatomic orientation and great experience.

The enforcing effect of the middle-power-laser

CRnT beside the injections also uses the enforcing effect of a fix standing middle-power-laser of the Level system, that accelerates the healing of the disturbed areas. By the effect similar to a “photosythesis” it intensifies the speed of the energy production within the energy-lack concerned cells (changing ADP into ATP and so setting free the cell energy). This application is also totally painless and also free from any side effects or risks, but it helps in the overall concept of rapid healing.

Chronic procedure of a CRnT treatment

CRnT treats all the detected disturbed autonomic areas together in every application of the 10 necessary treatment sessions by repolarisation through Lidocain, and in this way leads to the healing. Every treatment session lasts about 3 quarters of an hour, inclusively the enforcing application of the laser.
According to experience there are needed 6 treatments for the reconstruction of energy in the nerve cell areas of minor energy , 4 further ones for the definitive stabilization of this healing effect. In seldom, most extreme cases 12 - 14 treatments can be necessary.
The treatments are carried out “cure-like”, that means daily, or in certain cases every second day. With the daily application the patient is ready within 2 weeks as a maximum, with the treatment rhythm of every second day after 3 weeks. With this the treatment is finished. Future treatment repetitions are not necessary.

4. The outrageously successful treatment results of CRnT
Illnesses being treated successfully with CRnT

The illnesses that are treated successfully - often up to complete healing - are most different „chronic“ or „problem“- diseases of all „medical specialized fields”: Migraines, rhumatism, asthma, painful illnesses of the neck and back, illnesses of the cervical or lumbar vertebra, of the joints and of all various body areas , different sorts of neuralgia, intestinal diseases, allergic or hormonal disorders etc. – can be definitely healed. Also such illnesses, where the doctors cannot agree to a precise diagnosis. So CRnT has the capacity, to detect the causes of these illnesses, to treat and eliminate them and thereby also eliminate the illnesses in shortest time definitively and forever. (see the chapter of the complete “list of illnesses, that most often are successfully treated with CRnT“).

CRnT treatment results for the patients often are nearly unbelievable

The healing results of CRnT very often are a striking experience for the patients. After all different tries of treatment, that did not help, in the end they nevertheless finally decided, „to try“ CRnT. Because, as a rule, CRnT finally is the first therapy, that treats and eliminates the causes of illness, it in fact finally results in successful final healing.

The reason, that preceding therapies did not help, is the fact, that they only treated the “symptoms” - as the resulting effects of the causative disturbances, that - hidden in the depth of the autonomic nervous system - “caused the evil”.

In the end, CRnT searches for and finally detects these causes and eliminates them. In this way it is easy to understand that the healings by CRnT then often have kind of surprising character.
5. CRnT application on an international basis in selected well- and fitness hotels
Applied experience out of 20 years practice

CRnT is based on experiences of 20 years practice with treatment of a many thousands of patients. As the patients are always „one-time-patients”, („one-time“ means „one“ series of 10 treatments), naturally there are always new patients coming to treatment. All patients have in common, that with them it deals not with a „sliht cold“, but a bad illness, that was not to be cured in spite of all the treatments before and often has become worse in the course of years.
With CRnT it deals with a “cure-like”, close-meshed application, that means, a therapy being applied in a short time serie. The logical result was, to carry it out on an international basis in well-chosen, for this purpose suitable well- and fitness hotels.

The ICFC and its function

The ICFC - International Center For CRnT - as the internet-administration, handles the date inquiries of the patients und organizes the therapy weeks with CRnT on an international basis in for this purpose selected suitable hotels. CRnT treatment is exclusively booked over the ICFC.

The preliminary basic examination and all CRnT treatment application are exclusively carried out by Dr. med. D. Weihermann, who in more than 20 years developed CRnT.

Inquiries of patients about the treatment with CRnT

For questions about a treatment with CRnT the patients address themselves per telephone or per Email to the ICFC, which draws up the questions of the patients and answers to them personally on the telephone or by Email. For that reason the actual telephone number is to be found on the Internet starting page, which is always up to date. You can also find it, also actualized, in this chapter “Contact and Organization”.

For special medical questions concerning their individual illness, the patients contacts the ICFC, which arranges with them the date for a telephone call, in which the patients can talk about their problems with Dr. Weihermann personally.
Emails are handled by the ICFC, if need be, submitted to Dr. Weihermann for medical judgment.

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